HIS Ranch Fall Fundraiser
This Saturday, October 30
11am - 2pm
free lunch
free Starbucks coffee
pony rides
stick horse races
cart rides w/ Ruby (our Clydesdale mare)
straw play gym for kids
Kids' Corner play area in the sawdust
Several of our former volunteers/staff members are going to make the trip "home" to join us so please pray for safe travel for them. Also, please join us in praying for God's blessing and protection for this day. Please pray for wisdom and energy for us for our time of preparation and for the big day. Our deepest desire is that this day brings great glory to GOD as people witness HIS incredible provision for this ministry. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! We hope to see you there.
p.s. Special thanks to Amber & Jennifer Rassi, Kyle Reinhard, Willy Davis and our parents-Norman & Sally Haerr for helping us "clean out those corners!"