Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May Memories!!!

Wow! How quickly May has flown! By the end of the first week in May all of our session slots were booked! This was such a contrast to our first official summer in 2008 when we only had a few lessons each week. The Lord has truly allowed the ministry at HIS Ranch to grow!

We had our first work team for the summer season from Bluffton, IN come during the third week of May. 5 students and 2 adults made up the work team from Bluffton Christian School. Their week began by waking up on Monday morning with rain in their tents! Thankfully the wetness did not dampen their willingness to work! During the week they were here, we were able to get much accomplished! Cleaning & organizing the feed foom, completely stripping & refilling all 8 of our "finished" stalls, and putting up the canopy were just some of the things they did. A big thanks for all of their work!

We also had a group from Payson Elementary come out for a field trip. Although it was a rainy week and we could not use the outdoor arena, we were still able to give short rides on one of our best horses named Victor.

The kids also learned how to lasso Stanley the Steer! What fun!

With our summer schedule in full swing now we hope to be able to spare more time in updating our blog! Thanks for all your prayers! Rest assured that we will continue in service to our King until He calls us home! God bless!